Bus Services around Tongham
Surrey Connect
This is a digital on demand bus service, known as a Digital Demand Responsive Transport (DDRT) solution, that is available in Surrey in the areas shown on the map for everyone.
It is a safe and reliable bus sharing service that will connect you to your local community.
The connect service uses accessible minibuses, with journey bookings made on a first come first served basis. Our software cleverly groups customer demands together in real time.

When the booking is made with the “leave at” feature, the software takes your requested time and compares it with other customer requests in the area.
It then links them up to create single journeys that are convenient for a group of users at once, scheduling the pickup time within a window of 10 minutes before or 10 minutes after the preferred booking time.
Alternatively, if you need to be at your destination for a specific time, such as a train departure, you can use the “arrive at” feature. It will then dynamically generate options for you that will get you there and ensure you are never late.
For more information or to register please go the Surrey Connect website

Regular Services
Number 3 Aldershot – Ash – Yateley
Availability : Daily
Ash Stops :
The Greyhound
Shawfield Rec
Ash Wharf
Ash Vale Station
Tongham Stops :
Tongham Manor Close
To view live information click here
The Kite Aldershot – Ash – Guildford
Availability : Daily
Ash Stops :
Oxenden/Manor Road
The Greyhound
The Dover Arms
Tongham Stops :
Tongham Manor Close
To view live information click here
Number 520 Aldershot – Ash – Guildford
Availability : Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
Ash Stops :
Ash Green Old Station
The Greyhound
Shawfield Rec
Ash Wharf
The Dover Arms
Tongham Stops :
Tongham Manor Close
To view live information click here
Number 41 Ash – Tongham – FPH
Availability : Monday to Saturday
Ash Stops :
Ash Railway Station
The Greyhound
Ash Wharf
Ash Vale Railway Station
Tongham Stops :
Tongham Manor Close
To view live information click here
Door to Door Service
Waverley Hoppa Comminty Transport offer a door to door service to the residents of Tongham. The service can be used by anybody who has a transport need.
The friendly and helpful hoppa drivers will pick you up from your home and take you to and from your destination. You can go anywhere in your geographical area such as shopping in town, the supermarket, hairdressers, garden centre, tea shop, doctor, dentist etc.
To use the service, you just need to register with hoppa and live in Farnham, Godalming, Haslemere, Cranleigh or the surrounding villages in Waverley, Surrey.