Carers' Fair
The definition of a carer is:
Anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.
In conjunction with Action for Carers, the Community Wellbeing team will be hosting a Carers’ Fair on Saturday 25 November at The Hive, Park Barn Drive, Guildford, GU2 8EN from 10am until 2pm.
You may know someone or you could be a carer yourselves. Please can you share the attached poster with your friends, family and distribution lists, it is so important that we identify and support carers. This ensures that they get the help they need so that they look after themselves as well as the person they care for.
Download more information here
Fountain Centre's 25th Anniversary Ball - Saturday, 11 November
Please support The Fountain Centre’s 25th Anniversary Ball – Saturday, 11 November
The Mayor’s chosen charity, the fabulous Fountain Centre, has been supporting cancer patients and their loved ones for 25 years.
Tickets are still available for their 25th Anniversary Ball on Saturday, 11 November at Guildford Harbour Hotel and cost £75 per person. See poster attached.
Ticket price includes a 3-course meal and half a bottle of wine.
Please email: or call 01483 406619 for tickets.
If you’re unable to attend, please do help to spread the word and support this fantastic local cancer charity.
Useful tool to view GBC planning applications
The link below can be sued to access a GBC interactive map to view planning applications in your area. It also shows property boundary lines.
There lots of filters that can be applied including:-
TPO’s – Current and New
Planning Applications – Current, Since 2000, 1948 to 1999
Search by Address
Results of Uncontested Parish Council Election 2023
Please see the results of the recent Parish Council Nominations here

Picnic in the Park
On Saturday 6 May 2023, 12 – 5 pm at Poyle Road Recreation Ground. Celebrate the coronation of King Charles III and his Queen. Bring a picnic or enjoy some BBQ food – the Bar will be open and St Paul’s Church will supply tea, coffee, squash and CAKES …! There will be bouncy castles, fun and games.
Volunteers needed to re-open Ash Youth Centre
Are you interested in shaping the future of Ash Youth Centre? Find out how you can help in the opening of the Youth Centre. The Community Wellbeing Team from Guildford Borough Council (GBC), working with local Councillors, are seeking to re-open the Youth Centre. To find out how to volunteer please contact Jo Packman from the GBC community Wellbeing team via email or Phone. 01483 444150 | 07901513652 |
By joining the team you will get the chance to:
- have your say on launching an open-access youth club at Ash Youth Centre
- hear more about plans, work with volunteers to open the Ash Youth Centre, get involved
- be a part of putting together a management committee that will make important decisions about the youth club and shape the club’s constitution

Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Review
In addition to contributing to the boundary review process by submitting evidence, and keeping up-to-date on progress through the interactive Story Map, you may have been able to participate in active discussions about the evidence, which took place in March after the evidence-gathering phase closed at the end of January 2022.
The final opportunity for engaging with the boundary review process is through participating in the statutory consultation – scroll down for further information.
Evidence Review Events
Thank you to everyone who submitted evidence to the first stage of the boundary review – we had over 2000 responses which have been evaluated alongside desk-based research and site-based assessments.
Four one-hour webinars were held in the 3rd week of March to share in more detail how the evidence submitted is being used, the key themes and messages that are emerging and next steps in the boundary review process.
If you missed the webinars or would like to view/listen to the presentations again, please click on the the link (below) – each lasts approximately 7 minutes.
Presentation 1 – The Boundary Review Process
Presentation 2 – Evidence Gathering – what happened
Presentation 3 – Desk Research and Emerging Themes
Statutory Consultation
The next step for the boundary review project is for a statutory consultation on the proposed extension to the Surrey Hills AONB. The consultation is statutory with relevant local authorities however Natural England has decided that it should be extended to other stakeholders and the public. Other stakeholders include National bodies, Parish Councils in the existing AONB and in and adjacent to the proposed extension, AONB Partnership members, local businesses and landowning groups, community organisations, recreational interests and the wider public.
The consultation will start on Tuesday 7th March, and will continue for a 14 week period ending on 13th June.
To help people prepare for the consultation, we are running a series of briefing webinars. The purpose of these is help you prepare for the upcoming consultation, with background project information, details of how you can respond, and details of engagement events throughout the consultation period.
Please note that we will not be sharing specific information relating to any proposed boundary changes at these events.
Four webinars are planned, running on different days and at different times in early March. To book a place on one of the webinars, please click on the booking link next to the date and time of the webinar you would like to attend.
- Wednesday 1st March, 14.00–15.00 > book a place
- Thursday 2nd March, 19.00–20.00 > book a place
- Friday 3rd March, 10.00–11.00 > book a place
- Saturday 4th March, 10.00–11.00 > book a place

Reporting a crime

Support at St Paul's Church Tongham
Food Shed
St Paul’s Church have a store of long life food – please contact them for a food parcel or to arrange a time to come and choose some items. No questions asked.
Donations welcome too!
Message via St Paul’s Church on Facebook or text Claire (the Vicar) 07900 583403
Warm Hub
St Paul’s Church are opening up The Old School every Tuesday as a Warm Hub 12.30 – 4pm until end February.
Come for a cup of tea, to meet friends, to warm up, for soup or to access the food shed!
Ask Me About Domestic Abuse

29 November 2022, MSTeams Webinar
This online event is open to any member of the public, business owners and community leaders. The event is bought to you by Guildford and Waverley Community Safety Partnerships and the South-West Surrey Domestic Abuse Service. 1 in 3 women will experience Domestic Abuse at some point in their adult lives and as many as 1 in 6 men. We aim to raise awareness of domestic abuse and local support services available across South-West Surrey and provide participants with the knowledge to:
- Understand why we need to break the silence on domestic abuse
- Be confident to recognise indicators of domestic abuse and in particular coercive control
- Know how to support a friend, family member or work colleague that may be experiencing domestic abuse
- Consider becoming an local Domestic Abuse Champion
“We know that communities are often the first to know about abuse, and that they can act as gate openers or gate closers in terms of help seeking.” (Finding the Costs of Freedom report, 2014)
The webinar will take place at 1.00pm and 7.00pm on 29 November 2022 and will last approximately one hour.
You will hear from South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Service and Surrey Police
Warm Hubs in Surrey
There’s a network of Warm Hubs set up across Surrey to provide support to residents in these challenging times. The Warm Hubs are spaces across the county, where people can drop-in, get warm, have a hot drink and be in the company of other people. Very simply a place to get warm. There will also be people on hand to give free energy advice. Helping people to make their homes more energy efficient.
There are currently nearly 70 of these warm spaces that have been opened up in a variety of community spaces including community and church halls, libraries, leisure centres and even museums across the county.
For more information on where these Warm Hubs are visit